Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ah ha!

Well, after packing late, lack of sleep, last minute flight changes, weighing luggage, changing bags, a few goodbyes and moving terminals, I am finally (and officially) on my way to distant lands. Salt Lake City is where I am now. And it is the beginning of my journey. I can't help but think that I will be sitting here in early May, astounded that the voyage is over. But for now, I am happy that I am here, finally, and on my way to start it all!


  1. There she goes!!!!! Have a great journey, TT!
    Love you, Dad.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very very excited for you. Can't believe it's finally here. I'm so glad that you will be sharing your experience with all of us back home. You have a wonderful time...I'm so jealous!!

    Debbie F (TEI)

    It seems that in order to post a comment you either have to have an AOL account or GMail account in order to select the profile (Below). I simply went to Google a created an email account. There might be an easyer way, but I have limited knowledge of the "Bloggular Way".

  5. WHAT! Where are you going darling??? I never got to visit you at WSU!

  6. Teresa, I have no idea where you are going but I believe it has something to do with Semester at Sea? If so, I couldn't be happier for you-- you're a born vagabond.
